Terra Schools

Why Contribute
We have a rare opportunity to build an exceptional school from the ground up.
Today, we invite you to co-create a lasting foundation for the Terra Schools – named after the Latin word for “earth” – while developing a new paradigm of education for the 22nd century.
Our school brings together the best educators and best practices from three pillars of education that have not been combined before – outdoor nature-based education, project-based learning, and language immersion then infusion – and merges them into one year round PK to 8th grade program. While these educational philosophies exist in separate schools, they have never previously existed in one program – until the Terra Schools.
Like most independent schools, an individual child’s tuition does not cover the full cost of their Terra Schools education. The generosity of our community makes our high quality program accessible to more families.
Our Opportunity
Terra Schools graduates are equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and empathy.
We cultivate leaders, problem solvers, and bridge-builders by flipping the paradigm of education.
Children are center stage – their interests and passions drive the topics discussed in class, while teachers facilitate their cognitive, social, and emotional skill acquisition.
How we do this is what sets us apart:
Experiential, project based learning centered on children’s interests (Reggio Emilia-inspired)
Student-led discussions facilitated with openended questions (Harkness table discussions, circle time)
Nature-based education to cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity (Earth Education, Outdoor School, Gardening Class)
Academics tailored to skill level to stretch students just beyond where they are (Banded scheduling in math & world languages)
Multilingual immersion then exposure to develop empathy and cultural appreciation (Spanish and Mandarin, Diverse Community)
Our Program in Action

of families donate to the Terra Schools

of families volunteer with the Terra Schools

of families receive scholarships

of students are multi-ethnic

of teachers are multi-ethnic


revenue in the last 5 years ($600K to $2.5M)

number of students served in the last 5 years (15 to 91)

number of summer camp students in the last 5 years (40 to 600)

Engaged Families

Partner with us in our $20M campaign to expand and revitalize The Terra Schools over the next 3 years
Terra Schools
Annual Fund
$1 Million
Unrestricted gifts enable the Terra Schools to meet the most pressing current needs of our program, students, and teachers and keep our program affordable.
We ask every member of the Terra Schools community to make a pledge to the Annual Fund each year.
We will invest the money into an endowment, and the interest will be available to balance our annual budget in perpetuity.
Some priorities we will invest in each year include:
Safety & health of kids & staff
Teacher training
Shuttle repairs for Earth Ed, morning & afternoon commutes, and field trips

Invest In Our Children’s Future

Get in touch
If you’d like to learn more about how you can invest in the Terra Schools, please email giving@terraschools.org or call (415) 906-2220.